
Showing posts from July, 2014

After the storm through my windshield

The sunset sky through my winshield last night after the storms had passed, except for the few drops you see

Wiper Blades Tested

There is not a lot of testing of windshield wiper blades going on. It is simple really in that testing is a very time consuming and rather dubious task. You would have to have enough cars testing at the same time to use all the wipers for about the one year life cycle they are supposed to have. Then you would need all of the different weather zones covered by each type. The reports would come from all of the different seasons and any variables would need to be adjusted for. Perhaps some lab testing facility could do all this in a controlled manner. What it means is we either believe all the hype that the companies that make wipers put out, find one you like and stick with it or we look for informative reviews done by independent people. Consumer Report is and has been the source for independent informative reviews on many things for a long time, it is what they do. Here is the article explaining how they did their test, a link to their site and the understanding that you will not get

July 6th, 2014
